Cozy Fun Date Ideas for the FALL
Leaves are changing colors, football is here (sorta), and everywhere you go you will find a pumpkin-spiced something. That’s right SWEATER WEATHER!!! Fall is here. At least for Chicago anyways. I don’t know if I can say the same thing for our southern friends, but here in the Chicagoland area you know that the seasons are changing.
There’s a crispiness in the air and as it gets colder people want to take in the last moments outdoors before everyone hibernates indoors for the winter.
But what if you’re dating? Does that mean that you’re stuck with just indoor activities? We know that in the summer there is always something fun to do and most things are relatively inexpensive. I would argue that fall is just as plentiful with exciting and unique activities that won’t break the bank. If you’re looking for some cozy date ideas here’s a few that I’ve experienced and would recommend.
Take a trip to a pumpkin patch
Pumpkins anyone? I’ve been going to pumpkin patches since I was a kid. There’s always different things to do at these events besides just getting a pumpkin. You can go on hayrides, journey through a corn maze, or carve a pumpkin. What if you planned a day going to a pumpkin patch with your date, while reminiscing on your favorite fall moments growing up? Share about what you like most about the season. If you don’t have much to share, take an opportunity to make a new memory with that special someone.
Go apple picking
Similar to the pumpkin patch is a trip to the apple orchard. You might even find a combination of the two if you’re lucky. Apple picking is a great time to walk, take in the day, share conversations, learn about the many different types of apples. I think a fun idea would be to spend time picking different apples and then taking them home and making an apple pie. It’s an awesome opportunity to create something together from start to finish. Don’t forget the whipped cream!
Have a campfire
Grab a blanket. Bring out the graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate. If you have some left over apples, make some cider. If you’re cooking-challenged, stop by a grocery store and pick some up. There’s nothing like a warm fire in the coolness of a fall evening, especially when you’re with good company. Be present. Have some good conversations with others.
Take a walk, run or bike ride in a forest preserve
Spend some time in a place where there is a lot of trees. This is definitely a sight to see when the leaves are changing colors. Take in the beauty of nature. Breathe in the fresh air. Share a few things that you enjoy and appreciate about that other person. Plus you got to burn off all those calories from eating s’mores, apple pies, and drinking your pumpkin spiced lattes.
If you couldn’t tell, Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. Ideal temperatures, the beauty of the nature, the transition of seasons, set-ups a great opportunity to enjoy many moments together with your significant other. Take advantage of all that the season has to offer, because just like pumpkin-spiced lattes, its only here for a limited time.