The Struggle is Real is a parenting journey designed to give you the tools you need to raise extraordinary children in a 21st-century world. Think of these resources as a guide for navigating through your children’s emotions and behaviors. You’ll learn how to turn the struggle into a success. You and your children will be all the better for it!
Gratitude, Kindness & Empathy
“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for.” Zig Ziglar As parents, teachers, caregivers, and other professionals who work with children, it is critical...
Listen to SeasonDiscipline responsibly
Let's discuss discipline. We'll provide an understanding of discipline practices from a biological, behavioral, systemic and spiritual viewpoint. We'll also share key principles to follow. The podcasts in this section are aligned with chapter seven of the book, The Struggle is Real: Parenting in the...
Listen to SeasonNurture your child's heart & brain
Let's focus on what it takes to raise the whole child. What is the science of the brain and heart and how does this play a role in our children’s development? We'll bring awareness to some of the newest understandings science brings to bear on...
Listen to SeasonValue your children's courage
Let's discuss what it means to raise children of character. We again refer to the generational style of parenting today that is often paralyzed by fear and explore what it means to raise children of character and provide you with practical tips for raising strong...
Listen to Season