Services & Resources
for Parents
Services & Resources
for Parents
Check out all of our resources for parents including workshops, podcasts and blogs

GROWTH: The FACE of Tension
Put your best foot forward and learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and solve problems with GROWTH: The FACE of Tension. Conflict is inevitable, and we know it can be stressful. In this class, we'll walk you through the FACE model and give you practical steps to help you deal with conflict when it arises.
The Struggle is Real: Modern Parenting
Think of this book as a guide for navigating through your toddler, teenager or young adultʼs emotions and behaviors. Youʼll learn how to turn the struggle into a success. You and your children will be all the better for it.
Podcasts & Videos
The Struggle is Real Parenting Podcast
Do you sometimes feel like you’ve failed as a parent? Relax. Put on your earbuds and tune in to The Struggle is Real. Parents like you along with experts will share tips and ideas on how to kill the parenting game.
Es un Show
Let's face it: the perfect family doesn't exist. But where's the fun in being perfect? Es Un Show is a new original sitcom following a mixed-heritage couple as they raise their 11 and 15-year-old, all the while showing just how fun imperfection can be.
Parenting Blogs
Check out a few of our parenting blogs. They're easy to read and power-packed with valuable takeaways for parents and caregivers.