Want to love your partner at their worst? Start loving them at their best and put the L.O.V.E to work for you, as you prepare to weather the most challenging...
I hate exercising! The thought of getting on a treadmill and walking or running while looking at a TV screen just bores me, not to mention all of the sweating...
I was watching an episode from one of my favorite TV shows when something happened that befuddled me. In the very short scene, one character is confiding in another about...
One of the recurring complaints that I hear from men about their wives is that they nag them to the point where they feel like they’re one of the kids.
This story happened many years ago: We had been married for a year, after dating for 2 years. Like all newlyweds, we were going through a period of adjustment.
In conversation, the main goal is to repair and connect, not to accuse and blame. Keep reading to get tips on how to have conversations, not confrontations.