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    Budgeting for a Baby

    Congratulations – you’re having a baby! Now get to work! … Just kidding. You may only have a few short months to get ready for that bundle of joy, but...

    The Prodigal Dad, the Forgiving Son

    “A dream without a plan is a wish.” In the past two blogs about change we’ve spent some time breaking down the foundations that help people change: Self-awareness and the...

    My Husband as a Father

    I don’t know about you but sometimes I observe and reflect about what kind of father my husband is to my children and a sly grin of satisfaction passes through...

    Get Serious About Fun

    Make time to have fun with your kids. No matter their age. For their sake and for yours. Fun is an important part of relationships and life!

    Hot Chocolate and Shared Stories

    Hot chocolate is good for the soul and for your family. Incorporate the magic of hot chocolate and reading together as a family into your fall and winter traditions. These...

    Don't Let Summer Happen To You!

    If you are like me, you must be panicking as the 70 days of summer vacation approach. The summer is supposed to be nine weeks of blissful family togetherness but...

    What Will Be Your Legacy?

    We will all leave a legacy. The question is not if we will – but what will it be? It’s a great question for all of us to consider. Perhaps...

    Social Media vs. Family Time

    If we’re not careful, we may allow time spent on social media, electronic games, and TV to take away from family time.

    Volunteering: A Family Legacy

    Our children do what we do and they take pleasure in giving back as much as any adult. How are you teaching them to pay it forward?

    All About Dad

    Children and adolescents are the ones who bare the brunt of unhealthy marital relationships.

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