Over the past few weeks, I have been captivated by two timeless masterpieces: John Steinbeck's East of Eden and Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird. These literary gems, brought to...
My 12-year old decided he would grow tomatoes this year (he picked up a keen interest in gardening during COVID). He made a detailed plan and researched seeds early in...
I vividly recall my father’s long fingers and open hands as he spoke and welcomed others into his presence. My father's hands prayed, worked, played, loved. What else can be...
“A dream without a plan is a wish.” In the past two blogs about change we’ve spent some time breaking down the foundations that help people change: Self-awareness and the...
I don’t know about you but sometimes I observe and reflect about what kind of father my husband is to my children and a sly grin of satisfaction passes through...
My dad passed away last year and this will be the first time where my family will celebrate Father’s Day without him. He will always be on our mind and...