As I recently watched a show, the storyline depicted a man struggling with the loss of his wife in a tragic accident, leaving him to raise their newborn daughter alone...
Story-telling is one of humanity’s most powerful tools. It has been used for generations to pass on traditions, instill values, and preserve a way of life.
"One of my favorite vacations wasn't about a destination to be explored. It wasn’t about sight-seeing. It was about drinking hot chocolate in a room filled with people that I...
Rejection is the worst. You open yourself to someone, and they shut you down. It’s not their fault. They just don’t see you the same way you do, so how...
Keeping your casa clean can actually improve your health. It’s good for your soul, and it makes your mami proud. Here are a few tips to help you keep your...
How many times have you started to set a goal only to quit halfway or even before you started? There are eight steps for you to follow to accomplish that...
Everybody longs for loving relationships - to love and to be loved. This is what makes the world go round! This is a universal desire! How can we experience the...