Having a child who loves being an athlete and who enjoys almost anything to do with sports is such a blessing, yet is sometimes a challenge. Sports can teach us...
One of our Wise Up Girl program students trusted the facilitator enough to express that she had been suicidal. When the facilitator pressed further, she learned the whole story. The...
When is the best time to talk to your kids about money? RIGHT NOW! Your kids will learn about money from someone. Don’t let it be from an out-of-control celebrity...
There are many different learning styles. To foster greater learning, we should figure out how our children naturally learn & facilitate those types of activities. In this podcast, our special...
The average teen sends over 3,000 texts per month. It's important for parents to set texting guidelines for the family. Tune in for a few tips on how to have...
Helping your kids navigate social media positively Social media is here to stay. How can you as a parent teach your kids to use social media wisely? Focus on the...
As a parent, have you ever thought that you aren't just raising your own children, but you are also raising someone else's future spouse, life partner and parent? Thinking about...
The current cultural trend in America is for children to begin dating at earlier and earlier ages. This means that now, perhaps more than ever, it is crucial for parents...
The “success sequence,” is the research supported notion that people who get an education, then a job, then get married and, lastly, have children are more likely to experience financial...
Domestic violence can be seen everywhere. It doesn’t discriminate against race, gender, religion or economic status. It entails more than just physical violence and includes any type of psychological, emotional...
The chemical changes that take place during periods of infatuation can cloud judgement and blur the lines between true commitment and attraction. In a truly committed relationship, both parties desire...