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    How to Accomplish a Goal in 8 Steps

    How many times have you started to set a goal only to quit halfway or even before you started? There are eight steps for you to follow to accomplish that...

    10 Ways to Love More

    Sometimes you have to be obvious with love. Here are 10 ways you can be a more loving friend, parent, spouse, child, human being.

    Having Resolve

    Don't give up! Did you know that determination and resolve coupled with the ability of the brain, due to its plasticity, to change and adapt, is what we need to...

    Letting Go

    Have there been times in your life or in your marriage where it has been difficult to let go and allow the process to flow naturally? Have you felt the...

    When the answer is “No, Not Now”

    We learned a valuable lesson of God’s faithfulness as we began the journey of becoming parents. We had been married a few years and decided we wanted to start a...

    What Comes Your Way

    The morning of September 11th 2001 was different for so many people in so many ways, but for my wife and I it was a life changer. The news of...

    How do You Convince Yourself to Change?

    Self-awareness is like an internal mirror - it’s reflection reveals patterns that create either chaos or order in your life. When you have a problem such as explosive anger, binge...


    As a business major during my undergrad years, I had my fair share of networking events. I even attended classes that taught business etiquette while networking. What’s the proper approach...

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