• finances
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    Money Talks

    When is the best time to talk to your kids about money? RIGHT NOW! Your kids will learn about money from someone. Don’t let it be from an out-of-control celebrity...

    Is it Worth It? (Spender vs Saver)

    In most relationships, there is a spender and a saver. Each one pulling the financial rope in opposite directions. It's a tough tug of war that can take a toll...

    Budgeting for a Baby

    Congratulations – you’re having a baby! Now get to work! … Just kidding. You may only have a few short months to get ready for that bundle of joy, but...

    The Credit Card Debt Payoff for Beginners

    Want to pay off your credit card debt? Learn more about the six steps you need to take to become financially free. It might have started off innocently enough: charge...

    Travel More!

    Every year, my husband and I told ourselves we were going to travel more. We went to Costco to ask about travel packages. We browsed through all the beautiful destinations...

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