• parenting
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    The invisible string

    Being able to develop a strong bond with your child is important. The sooner you do, the better it is for their well being. The question is how do you...

    The worth of self-worth

    Often times the values we have don't necessarily show in our everyday actions. This can make teaching and passing down values to our children very difficult. As parents, we may...

    Mini me

    Children do what parents do, not necessarily what parents tell them to do. How are your actions shaping the life of your children? Tune in to this podcast to learn...

    Please silence your cell phone

    Studies show that we are happiest when we are present, no matter what we are doing. So, how are our family and our relationships affected in the age of constant...

    Today & yesterday

    In this week's podcast our hosts, along with Dr. Alicia La Hoz and our guest, Bill Ferrell, discuss the good, the bad and the ugly of the varying generational parenting...

    Tell a good story

    When a child’s curiosity is cultivated, they thrive. Don’t undermine a child’s capacity to understand. Often when they understand the reason behind something, they will happily comply. A story can...

    Appeal to their progress

    Parents appeal to the progress of your children. Highlight the progress the child is making as a motivator to grow, and to demonstrate perseverance, patience, diligence, and compassion, i.e. character...

    Go for their heart

    You cannot appeal to a child's logic when they are overly emotional. You cannot change another’s heart, but you can control your own thoughts and behavior. When you are in...

    To bribe or not to bribe

    Rewards just motivate people to get rewards. Bribing needs to escalate to maintain efficacy and will produce an attitude of entitlement. External motivation isn’t entirely bad, but children should be...

    Remember the hamburger

    When we employ discipline tactics that counter our children’s motivation and passion, it can lead to frustration and exhaustion. When asking our children to do something, there are three questions...

    Go for their passion

    It is difficult to do something if our heart isn’t in it. Once our passion is activated, we find value in experiences and enjoy them thoroughly. Adolescent years are the...

    Recovering from Parenting Mistakes

    Parenting isn't an exact science. Sometimes we shine and sometimes not so much. It's ok. Join our panel discussion this week with James Breakwell for tips on how to recover...
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